
Here you find some news and opinions from our team members.

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#Coursera(4)   #Documentation(1)   #Fast-Api(1)   #Gcp(2)   #Git(1)   #Learning(4)   #Programming(3)   #Project-Organization(3)   #Python(2)   #Review(4)   #Soft-Skills(1)   #Software-Engineering(2)   #Spark(1)   #Sql(2)  


Presentation - Tips about how we show and document our work to colleagues.
Dealing With Large Features in Git Repos - Some possible alternatives to handle bugs discovered in testing in a Git repo.
FastAPI and Flask: Choosing One - Some points to consider when choosing between Fast API and Flask.
SQL For Data Science (Coursera) - A Review for the course SQL For Data Science on Coursera.
Distributed Computing with Spark SQL (Coursera) - A Review for the course Distributed Computing with Spark SQL on Coursera.
Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP (Coursera) - A Review for the course Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP on Coursera.
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP (Coursera) - A Review for the course Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP on Coursera.